Karuizawa 35 Year Old “Snow Scenes” 2 Bottle Set

  • Product Code: Karuizawa
  • Availability: Out of stock 缺貨中
  • HKD 250,000.00

輕井澤 35 年「雪中相望」雙瓶完整版

Distilled in 1981 / Bottled in 2016
Cask 4322 / Sherry Cask / Total 162 Sets / 700 mL


Distilled in 1981 / Bottled in 2016
Cask 7427 / Sherry Cask / Total 162 Sets / 700 mL

Nose: The aromas have alight fruit notes with malt and spice.

Palate: The taste almost is really just a short beginning that crescendos and transitions extremely smoothly into the finish.

Finish: Finish is long, spicy and smooth.




這組 35 年輕井澤藍色錦盒特別版特別採用歌川広重筆下的「風流源氏 雪の眺」作為酒標。貌美的女子在雪季的清晨拿著掃帚清除積雪,而俊美的紅衣男子手持紙傘正巧路過,兩人映著雪光相望,寧靜的雪景中彷彿隔著千言萬語,一段愛情似乎也在此時萌芽。


這套輕井澤以 1981 年蒸餾的Cask 4322 及 Cask 7427兩桶威士忌原桶裝瓶,推出全球僅 162 套的「雙開錦盒版」;其中 Cask 7427更推出了全球僅 208 套的「單開全景版」 。



Delivery Information

**Delivery Time: 1-2 Business Days

**Delivery service is not available to outlying island and overseas destinations 。

**Only shipping to Hong Kong